Raising up World Changers!
Our Kids Ministry is called ‘World Changers’ because we believe that every child that believes in Jesus and wants to be more like Him, will go out and shine God’s love wherever they go, changing the world around them.
Make a difference.
If you are interested in teaching or helping in one of our kids ministry class rooms or the nursery on Sunday mornings, please click ‘Volunteer’ below and we will contact you shortly. If you aren’t able to volunteer, please pray for all of the kids to grow up knowing Jesus and His great love for them. We are so thankful for every child that God has brought into our church family.
Palisade WyldLife
Middle School Group
We partner with ‘Grand Valley YoungLife’ for our Middle School group. Palisade WyldLife is a middle school group where kids bring their friends, eat a free dinner meal, play games and hear a brief gospel message about Jesus! They meet the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 6-8PM and follow the school calendar for days off.
If you are interested, or have questions about Palisade WyldLife, click on the link below and mention in the message that you want to learn more about WyldLife and we will have a WlyldLife leader contact you shortly.
Palisade YoungLife
High School Group
We do not have our own High School group, but Palisade YoungLife is a high school group in the Palisade area.
If you are interested in learning more about Palisade YoungLife, click on the link below and mention in the message that you want to learn more about YoungLife and we will have a YoungLife leader contact you shortly.